Saturday, March 29, 2008

Big 3 cigarette companies continue to compete for c-store space - the PM T-SET..

March 29, 2008 - Big 3 cigarette companies continue to compete for c-store space - the PM T-SET.. With the possibility of federal tobacco regulation on the horizon that may limit tobacco advertising in convenience stores, the big three U.S. cigarette companies (the new Philip Morris USA (PM), R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (RJR) and Lorillard) are aggressively competing for critical advertising space on the wall behind the counter - the power wall. Of course, PM with the greater number of cigarettes sold is the big bully threatening c-store owners. PM has come with the T-set arrangement of their cigarettes directly behind checkout counter. The cigarettes from other companies would then occupy the remaining space. What's the payoff for the c-store owner: from PM on-invoice gets $3.50 from Davenport the wholesaler in the Raleigh area for every carton of Marlboro, Basic and Parliament sold, off-invoice the owner gets $2.00 per carton, then an additional check that varies from $2.00 to $3.00 for each carton sold and finally once a month a check for the space occupied. RJR off-invoice only gives $8.00 for each carton of Doral sold and $6 for each carton of Camel sold and then a check comes once a month for the space occupied by RJR products based on sales and Lorillard gives $6.00 per carton sold of their cigarettes (mainly Newport) and a check for $100 for space no matter how much product has been sold. All tobacco products belong under the counter, It has been found that 80% of smokers want a ban on tobacco advertising in shops to stop youngsters from becoming addicted. More news: Camel SNUS - RJR Reynolds still has the deal buy a pack of Camel Lights and get a coupon for a free can of Camel SNUS. There's NO interest in the deal so the the store owner is planning on taking off all the SNUS coupons and sending back to RJ Reynolds to get credit. Related news brief: News from Convenience Stores - Competition for Space is Getting Ruthless.. Click on image to enlarge.. ( - Incomplete in progress..

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