Thursday, March 6, 2008

Council unanimously approves Quakertown, PA parks smoking ban..

March 6, 2008 - Lighting a pipe, cigar or cigarette in a Quakertown park could cost you up to $600 or 30 days in jail. Borough council voted unanimously Wednesday to ban smoking in all town parks and those are the penalties for getting caught with a lit stogie or the like. The ban goes into effect immediately at all parks, including Memorial, Main Street and Cedar Grove. Police will likely issue warnings until signs are up specifying smoking is a no-no and word on the new law spreads. Councilman Ed Scholl, a cancer activist, said the right of people to breathe clean air at the parks outweighs the rights of those who want to smoke in public places. “I have to side with the rights of the whole community,” said Scholl. Borough manager and Police Chief Scott McElree said the ban will help combat rampant cigarette butt littering at the parks. Quakertown Council bans smoking in parks by, CHRISTOPHER RUVO The Intelligencer, 3/6/2008) Tobacco companies are test marketing a smokeless, spitless Swedish type product called SNUS in the U.S. with very little success. It comes in pouches - like tea-bags that you place in one specific place in your mouth and suck on it for around 30 minutes. We're sure you can imagine the massive problem that results from SNUS litter.

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