Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is Swedish Match's Red Man MST Succeeding While Marlboro MST Struggles??

March 13, 2008 - Is Swedish Match's Red Man MST Succeeding While Marlboro MST Struggles?? March 12, 2008 -- Swedish Match, the fastest growing moist snuff company in the US, announced the national launch of Red Man Moist Snuff, the latest product to carry the most recognized brand name in smokeless tobacco. This follows a successful test market launch last year in 11 states, which represented 36% of the moist snuff category volume. "Consumer acceptance of Red Man Moist Snuff in the test markets was overwhelming," according to Elliot Eliades, Director of New Product Development for Swedish Match North America. "Through event marketing, retail intercept (interview customer at point of sale) and website driven sampling we accelerated consumer trial by quickly getting 'cans in hands'. Early awareness scores indicated that Red Man Moist Snuff created significant consumer buzz." Red Man is a leading brand of chewing tobacco in the United States. The 1st attempt at a Red Man Moist Snuff (MST) failed. - TW Post test market research confirms that the brand’s authenticity transfers well from loose leaf to moist snuff.

Eliades adds, "This tells us Red Man Moist Snuff will climb the consumer acceptance curve at an accelerated rate." The new moist snuff offers consumers a premium brand with a respectable price. The national launch of Red Man Moist Snuff is supported by major print advertising, direct mail, and visually appealing, high impact point of sale materials, product sampling for adult consumers in adult-oriented venues, and a co-promotion with Maxim magazine. Related news briefs: 3rd Quarter Results - The world's second-largest maker of snuff and chewing tobacco.., Swedish Match will extend Red Man, the No. 1 loose leaf chewing tobacco, into the arena with competitors like Skoal and Copenhagen.., Recently Swedish Match announced that they are going to take Red Man into Moist Smokeless Tobacco (MST)Category... Other related news briefs: February 4, 2008 and January 4, 2008. One example Marlboro MST: Marlboro MST / Marlboro SNUS - Philip Morris USA (PM) Trying to Paint a Rosie Picture... Click on image to enlarge.. (

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