Thursday, March 20, 2008

Test Marketing of Lorillard's Triumph SNUS in Columbus, OH..

March 20, 2008 - Test Marketing of Lorillard's Triumph SNUS in Columbus, OH.. Does Triumph SNUS have a chance where others like UST Inc. (principal subsidiaries: U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company and Ste. Michelle Wine Estates) Revel and Philip Morris' Taboka have failed. In July 2007 Columbus,OH became one of the test sites for Camel SNUS. Camel SNUS has to refrigerated where Triumph does not have to be refrigerated. (Initally, Camel SNUS was made in Sweden but now it's made in North Carlina.) Lorillard's test marketing plan was to sell Triumph SNUS in Ohio and Georgia at a lower cost than other SNUS products. A check of a few convenience stores (c-stores) in the Columbus area found the price of Triumph SNUS (24-pouches) ranged from $3.99 to $4.49 and for Camel SNUS (20-pouches) the price was $4.99 (all prices before tax). Calls in c-stores in various cities in Georgia found that Triumph SNUS was not available yet. Lorillard must have realized the difficulty R.J. Reynolds, UST and PM have had selling their SNUS products. These manufacturers have lowered the price and even given away coupons to get the SNUS for free and the SNUS still did not sell, e.g. Skoal Dry. These manufacturers are calling for more public awareness and education Lorillard's promotion involves instructing the c-store clerk to offer a free can of Triumph SNUS to any person buying a pack of cigarettes. The Chief Operating Officer of UST, Murray Kessler tells us that "Nine out of 10 smokers that try smokeless still reject the product." Even the name Marlboro doesn't seem to sell the SNUS product. Nik Modi, a UBS tobacco analyst has stated, "The Marlboro brand name is not as transferable as many originally believed." Some related news briefs: Anti-Tobacco People Don't Like IT - Camel SNUS and Lorillard's SNUS product Triumph both being test marketing in Columbus, OH..... Click on image to enlarge.. INCOMPLETE.. (

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