Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tobacco retail display ban proposed for Canberra - The Australian Capital Territory (ACT)..

March 8, 2008 - Tobacco retail display ban proposed for Canberra - The Australian Capital Territory (ACT).. ( Canberra is the Capital City of the Commonwealth of Australia and is located in the northern part of the ACT.) The ACT Health Minister Katy Gallagher has introduced a bill in the Legislative Assembly which will give Canberra the toughest restrictions on tobacco sales in the country. The Tobacco Amendment Bill requires retailers to keep cigarette products below the counter or in draws where they cannot be seen. The bill also bans the sale of flavoured cigarettes and split packs. Ms Gallagher told the Assembly, the move to ban the display of tobacco products puts the ACT at the forefront of anti-smoking legislation. "The point-of-purchase display is one of the last remaining ways tobacco companies are able to display there wares," she said. "Storing tobacco out of sight will prevent people, particularly children, being able to see tobacco. "Research shows that the point of sale display acts to promote and normalise smoking. The Territory will be the first to send a message that it is not normal." See related news briefs: Further evidence that tobacco advertising in stores undermines attempts to stop smoking.. The Australian State of Tasmania has already agreed such a ban, though that is not due to come into force for another three years - "Please get tobacco out of our kids faces," - Dr. Harley Stanton (elected as President of the Asia-Pacific Association for the Control of Tobacco). We were plesantly surprised to learn that in Tasmania a law went into effect January 1, 2008 banning smoking in cars when children are on board. Smokers who flout the laws will risk fines, although not immediately. Health and Human Services Minister Lara Giddings said there would be a three month education period, after which the laws would be strictly enforced. See related news briefs: Why the Hesitation?? - Ontario must ban smoking in cars when children are present.. Click on image to enlarge..

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