Friday, March 7, 2008

Why the Hesitation?? - Ontario must ban smoking in cars when children are present..

March 7, 2008 - Why the Hesitation?? - Ontario must ban smoking in cars when children are present.. The Premier Dalton McGuinty announced the Ontario government plans to introduce legislation in the spring session (begins March 17, 2008)to ban smoking in cars where young children are present. The premier is concerned that he must ensure his citizens the appropriate balance between the rights of individuals, the right to exercise personal freedoms and liberties, and Ontario's collective responsibility as a society to protect the interests of our most vulnerable. When a parent brings a child into this world they want the very best for their child. Dr. Suzanne Strasberg, board chair of the Ontario Medical Association, said the concentration of smoke in cars can be up to 60 times greater than the concentration of smoke in a room inside a house. The risks to children from exposure to second-hand smoke include respiratory illnesses, middle ear disease, lower respiratory tract infections, sudden infant death syndrome and increased risk cancer and heart disease in adulthood. Surveys of smokers have found that 90% would support a ban on smoking in cars when children are present. It's a no-brainer - Get the Legislation Passed and Enforce It.. Some related news briefs: Vehicles Most Dangerous Space for Second-Hand Smoke Levels..

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