Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Nova Scotia to start enforcing a law that bans smoking in vehicles with children in them..

April 1, 20008 - Nova Scotia to start enforcing a law that bans smoking in vehicles with children in them.. The law, which takes effect April 1, prohibits smoking in a motor vehicle when a person younger than 19 is present. The fine is $394.50. "This legislation is another important step in protecting the health of all Nova Scotians," said Barry Barnet, minister of health promotion and protection. "Children and young people are susceptible to the effects of second hand smoke, especially in an enclosed space such as a car." In December 2007, Nova Scotia became the first province to introduce such as ban, after the town of Wolfville in the province passed a municipal law banning the practice in November 2007. Nova Scotia's smoking rates have decreased to 20 per cent of the population from 30 per cent since the province's Tobacco Control Strategy began in 2001, the government said. Related news briefs: Nova Scotia to Ban Smoking in Cars with Kids..

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