Friday, April 11, 2008

Philip Morris International (PMI) to Introduce Marlboro Cigarettes In China...

April 11, 2008 - Philip Morris International (PMI) to Introduce Marlboro Cigarettes In China Around Time of Summer Olympics.. THIS HAS TO BE STOPPED. According to a report in the Chinese Medical Journal the number of smokers in China, currently estimated to be about 350 million, is growing by about three million a year. Two out of every three young men in China smoke, as a result tobacco will eventually kill about a third of all young men in China. The report said that China had, also, about 50 million teenage smokers. In addition, about 540 million people were subjected to passive tobacco smoking, and about two-thirds of them were under 18 years of age. This meant that about two-thirds of the population either smoked or was affected by tobacco smoke. ( Three million more Chinese smokers each year, Tobacco Reporter, 4/9/2008) By 2050 there will be three million tobacco deaths a year in China - PMI is anxious to be a big contributor.

At present, PMI has a small or no presence in four major markets -- China, India, Bangladesh and Vietnam which account for 40% of total international cigarette consumption. China is the largest producer and consumer of tobacco products in the world. PMI and Chinese National Tobacco Company have a strategic relationship with one aspect the launch of licensed Marlboro on the Chinese market this summer 2008. (Remarks - PMI,Inc., Investor Presentation, New York, March 11.2008 The Chinese government joined the international fight against tobacco consumption when it signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2003. It ratified the convention in October 2005 and the convention came into effect on January 9. 2006.

This treaty is to regulate tobacco companies' actions, using proven strategies: raising taxes on tobacco products, limiting smoking in public, requiring new health warnings on cigarette packages, and regulating the firms' manufacturing and marketing efforts. China is planning on a smoking-free Olympic Games - with 173 cigarette brands already why does China need Marlboro. One million people die from smoking-related diseases each year in China, according to the Ministry of Health and each year, more than 100,000 people are killed by second-hand smoke. Related news brief: China to ban all tobacco advertising by 2011. Click on image to enlarge.. (

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