Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tobacco displays are on their way out in an increasing number of countries..

April 15, 2008 - Tobacco displays are on their way out in an increasing number of countries.. New Zealand's Cancer Society's Tobacco Control Advisor Belinda Hughes, “In addition to bans on tobacco displays in Iceland and Thailand we are seeing them introduced in a growing number of Provinces in Canada and beginning to be introduced in Australian states led by Tasmania. Cancer Society’s Tobacco Control Adviser Belinda Hughes. The UK government is also looking into getting tobacco out of sight." The Australian state of Tasmania is the latest jurisdiction to announce that it is phasing out retail displays of tobacco products. It will be the first Australian state to ban the display of tobacco products but others are racing to catch up. The Australian Capital Territory has introduced legislation to ban tobacco displays and other states are under pressure to follow suit.

In Canada the Province of British Columbia is the most recent Province to introduce a ban on tobacco displays (March 2008) since Saskatchewan banned tobacco displays in 2002. Complete bans on the retail display of tobacco products are in place in the Canadian Provinces of Nunavut (2004), Prince Edward Island (2006), Nova Scotia (2007), Ontario (2008) and Québec (2008). Canada is now considering national legislation regulating tobacco displays. "A ban on retail tobacco displays will stop children being confronted with promotional tobacco imagery occupying the most prominent display space in retail outlets. By doing so it will help prevent the children of this generation becoming the smokers of tomorrow," said Ms. Hughes. Ontario - come May 31,2008 tobacco displays that feature cigarette packs and other tobacco products will no longer be allowed in Ontario retail stores. According to the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, tobacco must be stored in such a way that prohibits consumers from seeing it before it is purchased. "The goal of this particular legislation is to save lives," said Ontario Minister of Health Promotion Margarett Best. ( Province bans cigarette packs from view,Karen Ashford, The Windsor Star, 4/15/2008) Some related news briefs: March 8, 2008. 80% of smokers want a ban on tobacco advertising in shops to stop youngsters starting the habit.. Let's get it done throughout the world. Meanwhile in the U.S.A. - Philip Morris is hard at work competing for prime tobacco display space in c-stores. Click on image to enlarge..

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