Thursday, May 15, 2008

District of Columbia (D.C. Washington) to double tax on a pack of cigarettes to $2.00..

May 15, 2008 - The D.C. Council has approved a $5.7 billion budget for the next fiscal year that includes a doubling of the cigarette tax to $2 per pack. ( D.C. Council adopts budget; cigarette tax to double,, 5/14/2008) Below comments of William V. Corr, executive director of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The District of Columbia (DC) could expect the $1 cigarette tax increase to prevent about 4,100 young people from smoking; spur 3,100 smokers to quit for good: save 2,100 people from smoking-caused deaths; produce more than $100 million in long-term health care savings; and raise about $11.7 million a year in new revenue. Every 10 per cent increase in the price of cigarettes reduced youth smoking by seven per cent and overall cigarette consumption by about four per cent. ( District of Columbia doubles cigarette tax, Tobacco Reporter, 5/15/2008)

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