Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Chantix Warning in Canada..

June 24, 2008 - Health Canada is warning that Chantix - sold in Canada as Champix - has caused unusual feelings of agitation, depressed mood, hostility, changes in behavior or impulsive or disturbing thoughts, such as ideas of self-harm or of harming others, in some users. In Apri, l Health Canada issued an alert warning that Chantix has been linked to 107 adverse reactions in Canada. According to the ageny nearly half of those reports involved psychiatric behavior. In its latest alert, Health Canada has said that in the year following its approval, 226 Canadian cases of neuropsychiatric adverse events have been reported in patients taking the drug. Guidelines were issued for patients considering taking Chantix, for those taking the medication and the importance of the prescribing physician to closely to closely monitor these patients. In the US, Chantix has been linked to at least 40 suicides and 400 attempted suicides. Related news briefs: Operators of any form of transportation warned on the use of Pfizer's smoking-cessation drug Chantix.., Pfizer Changes Chantix Label.. and Chantix Reports of Suicidal Thoughts and Aggressive and Erratic Behavior...

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