Monday, June 2, 2008

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco will reduce size of Camel SNUS coolers..

June 2, 2008 - Basically the container takes up too much prime space in c-stores. Since the product has been a slow seller store owners have been placing the cooler under the counters. Also - other tobacco companies that have a major say on where tobacco advertisements and products are placed complain about the amount of space the cooler occupies. The new cooler is suppose to be small enough to be placed on the shelf next to other tobacco products. The number of pouches in a can of Camel SNUS has been reduced to 16 pouches and the price reduced by about 30-cents. Reynolds' sales people tell others that Camel SNUS is the only authentic Swedish SNUS sold in the U.S. Swedish SNUS is kept in a cooler prior to sale. British American Tobacco (BAT) was manufacturing Camel Snus in Sweden for RJR. Now the same process is being used to manufacture Camel Snus in Winston Salem, North Carolina. (

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