Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fire - Safe Cigarettes for all 50 states - NOW..

July 10, 2008 - On July 1, 2008 three more states - Connecticut (signed into law July 10, 2007), Maryland (signed into law May 17, 2007), and Utah (signed into law March 2007) - as well as the District of Columbia (signed into law May 13, 2008), are implementing fire-safe cigarettes laws , which require that any cigarette manufactured or sold in these states must have a reduced propensity to burn when left unattended. The Coalition for fire-safe cigarettes has been calling for is calling for manufacturers to immediately produce and market only cigarettes that adhere to an established fire safety performance standard. So far Liggett plans cigarette fire safety compliance by January 2009. Cigarettes and lighted tobacco are the leading causes of fire deaths and the third leading cause of fire-related injuries in the United States. In Canada fire-safe cigarettes are required nationwide. Starting in January 2009 Australia may require all cigarettes manufactured and sold throughout Australia to be self-extinguishing. These fire-safe cigarettes are designed to stop burning when left unattended, but otherwise they have the same characteristics as other cigarettes. The Sofa Super Store, Charleston, SC fire in June 2007 that killed nine people most likely would not have been prevented by the use of fire-safe cigarettes. A report by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) indicated someone probably ignited the fire by tossing a lit cigarette near trash and discarded furniture. More information can be found on the Coalition for Fire-Safe Cigarettes website. For more news briefs regarding fire-safe cigarettes do a random search. Click on image to enlarge.. (

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