Wednesday, July 9, 2008

National Association of Tobacco Outlets (NATO) launches initiative to educate legislators..

July 9, 2008 - National Association of Tobacco Outlets (NATO) launches initiative to educate legislators about the negative aspects of further increases to cigarette and tobacco tax rates.. According to the group's most recent NATO E-News bulletin, this effort involved mailing a personalized letter to more than 7,100 state legislators and all 50 state governors warning them that an increasing number of states that have raised cigarette and tobacco taxes in the past 18 months have either collected less tax revenue than before the latest tax increase or collected far less than the estimated amount of additional revenue. This initiative by NATO will include articles to be published in industry trade publications including CSP magazine. NATO also will send letters-to-the-editor to newspapers around the country with the goal of informing elected officials and the public about the need to focus on taxing other products. To view a copy of the letter. Reference: NATO Launches Tax Initiative Letter urges legislators, govs to look beyond tobacco for revenue, CSP Daily News, 7/7/2008. Related news brief: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco launches web site to help retailers and other opponents fight tobacco taxes.

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