Wednesday, July 2, 2008

RJ Reynolds (RJR) still giving away free cans of Camel SNUS

July 2, 2008 - They've tried just about everything: from providing coupons, to stationing people at bars and c-stores, to running ads in various publications. Where has this got them - surely they've given away more cans of Camel SNUS than have been paid for. As part of the reassessment after a disappointing 2008 1st quarter Reynolds American (RA - parent if RJR) introduced a new Camel SNUS promotion and new gas pump sign. In our c-store update of June 24, 2008 we noted that a coupon for a free can of Camel SNUS will be found on each pack of Winston. It's actually the can of SNUS itself. We thought like Swedish SNUS the Camel product had to be kept in a cooler. Sales of Winston, one of RA's non-growth cigarettes, one of the causes of RA's poor performance so they now add a free can of SNUS to the sale - that has even a poorer sales performance. RJR also has the same deal with their new Camel with more premium tobacco. Let's face it, the SNUS sucking technique while keeping the pouch in one place in your mouth is hard to master. Kids just love the Camel SNUS tag line. RJR also has a new Camel SNUS sign at the pump so a person (possibly with kids) getting gas can't miss it. Click on images to enlarge.. (

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