Friday, September 19, 2008

Addicted to Nicotine - You're Sick and Need Medical Help..

September 19, 2008 - Germany's Federal Medical Society is proposing that nicotine addiction be classified as an illness in a bid to help the country's smokers quit.
The idea behind the proposal is to increase the pressure on smokers by labeling them as sick and in need of medical help. It is also a way of getting smokers off the weed and on to the road to recovery by providing professional help.

Approximately 140,000 people die annually in Germany (in 2004 Germany had a population of 82.5 million) from smoking-related illnesses.

Related news briefs: Nicotine – in any form – not safe..;

Reference: German Doctors Want Smoking Classified as a Sickness, Deutsche Welle - World.DE, 9/17/2008.

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