Friday, September 5, 2008

Altria in advanced talks to buy UST, Inc..

September 5, 2008 - Cigarette company Altria Group Inc.** is in advanced talks to buy Skoal and Copenhagen smokeless tobacco maker UST Inc, the world's leading moist smokeless tobacco (MST) manufacturer, a source familiar with the discussions told Reuters on Friday. (UST Inc. is a holding company for its principal subsidiaries: United States Smokeless Tobacco Company and International Wine & Spirits Ltd) The New York Times reported that a deal worth more than $10 billion could be announced on Monday, 9/8/2008 or even sooner. The source could not confirm the price or say when a deal might be announced.

Back in February 4, 2004 the buyout was predicted: With organic (internal) development in the smokeless tobacco arena failing look for Philip Morris USA to expand through acquisitions.. Then the following day Altria (Philip Morris USA) - UST Deal Debate - Analysts differ on possible acquisition of smokeless tobacco company..

Reference: Altria in advance talks to buy UST, Inc.,

** - Altria owns approximately 28.5% of SABMiller (South African Breweries - Miller) plc.

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