Thursday, September 25, 2008

Philip Morris challenges San Francisco pharmacy tobacco ban..

September 25, 2008 - Philip Morris USA filed suit today in federal court to overturn a controversial San Francisco ordinance that would ban the sale of tobacco products in drug stores. On October 1, 2008 San Francisco would become the first city in the United States to ban the sale of tobacco in pharmacies . The lawsuit asks the court in the Northern District of California to delay enforcement of the ordinance and ultimately declare it unconstitutional.

The suit by Philip Morris comes after Walgreens also filed suit in Superior Court earlier this month seeking an emergency injunction to block the ban. Both sides in that case are due in court Sept. 30.

References: Philip Morris USA Sues to Overturn Controversial San Francisco Sales Ban on Tobacco Products, Philip Morris USA, 9/24/2008 and Philip Morris challenges San Francisco tobacco ban, Article Launched, 9/25/2008.

Related news briefs: Walgreen: San Francisco’s Tobacco Ban Is Unfair..; San Francisco - All Tobacco Products Banned in All Pharmacies..; San Francisco critical vote - bar tobacco sales pharmacies.. and SAN FRANCISCO Ban on tobacco at drug stores sought...

Boston, MA also wants to ban drugstore tobacco sales..

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