Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Smoking ban in Turkey lowers cigarette consumption..

September 24, 2008 - In Turkey smokers smoked 520 millions cigarettes less in July 2008 than in the same month of 2007 and 457 million cigarettes less in August 2008 than in August 2007. The amount of fines that smokers paid for smoking in closed areas exceeded YTL 20 million in the last four months, after the smoking ban was introduced. (Smoking ban lowers cigarette consumption - A smoking ban in closed spaces introduced in May 2008 has reduced cigarette consumption in Turkey,, 9/23/2008)

The smoking ban in closed spaces introduced in May 2008.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul approved a law on January 18, 2008 banning smoking in restaurants and bars, his office said, in a move aimed at bringing the nation of hardened smokers into line with much of the rest of Europe. The ban l included cigars, pipes and the traditional water pipe, a popular attraction for tourists in Istanbul and Turkey's coastal resorts as well as for locals. Many Turks doubt that the ban will be properly implemented in a country where rules and regulations are regularly flouted. (Writing by Gareth Jones, edited by Richard Meares) (Turkey's president approves smoking ban, Reuters, 1/18/2008.)

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