Friday, October 3, 2008

New Hampshire - cigarette tax increase - ON HOLD..

October 3, 2008 - An expected 25-cent increase in New Hampshire's cigarette tax was put on hold yesterday, October 1, 2008 as state officials review recent tax receipts to see if an increase is necessary. If the state determines that it raised at least $50 million in cigarette taxes over the past three months, there will be no tax increase. But if tax revenue falls short of that mark, the 25-cent increase will take effect. State revenue counters have until Oct. 15 to determine whether the $50 million mark had been reached. New Hampshire cigarette tax currently stands at $1.08 per pack of 20 cigarettes.

Massachusetts's recent tax increase may have resulted in a boost in New Hampshire cigarette sales.

Reference: Cigarette tax increase on hold for two weeks by DANIEL BARRICK, Concord Monitor, 10/2/2008.

A law requiring cigarettes sold in New Hampshire be self-extinguishing started in Oct. 1, 2007.

Related news brief: Kentucky to go ‘fire safe’ by next year..

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