Monday, November 3, 2008

C-store update: Marlboro, Pall Mall, Camel SNUS..

November 3, 2008 - As reported Philip Morris is now giving $1 off a carton of Marlboro or 10 cents a pack. This was only suppose to be for one month prior to the December gift packs of Marlboro - buy one and get another as a gift. The $1 off per carton has now been extended to the end of the year.

Click on image to enlarge..In the picture you may have noticed that a pack of Pall Mall is $2.59. We have reported that this c-store has an agreement with R.J. Reynolds (RJR) never to sell a cigarette for less than the price of Doral - now at $2.99 a pack. However Pall Mall, is also an RJR product and along with the Camel family are the only remaining investment brands.

RJR is now providing some more simplified directions for placement of snus pouches in the mouth. We know its not easy to place a pouch in your mouth for 20-30 minutes without any movement.. Other side of card with directions.

These days it almost seems like RJR is dumping Camel SNUS cans on the retail scene. As we reported at least one c-store owner gets approximately 25 free cans of Camel SNUS to pass out to customers that they may express an interest in trying it. The owner tells us it's hard to find anyone wanting to try the stuff. On the rare occasion that a patron asks for a can of Camel SNUS - the owner asks if they want all the cans at no charge.

Images below - promotion buy any RJR product and get a free can of Camel SNUS - note this is the 1st time the wording "WORK FRIENDLY" is used in the labeling. Click on image to enlarge.

Image of display shelf with cans of Camel SNUS next to cigarettes with a sign advertising the same promotion...

Also in October 2008 there has been a new mailing with a coupon for a free can of Camel SNUS. coupon side; opposite side.

Why would RJR want to go national with a product that has generated very little interest in test markets?? Many more cans have been given away then have been sold.

Previous C-Store Update..

Click on any image to enlarge..

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