Friday, November 28, 2008

Cigarettes “fire safe” in Minnesota as of December 1, 2008..

November 28, 2008 - Fire-safe" cigarettes have hit the shelves in Minnesota, complying with a new state law that goes into effect on December 1, 2008.

The new law requires all cigarettes sold in the state to be self-extinguishing if left unattended. The most common technology used by cigarette manufacturers is to wrap the cigarette in three thin bands of less porous paper which act as "speed bumps" and make the burning of the tobacco slow down and eventually go out.

Minnesota joins New York, Vermont, California, Illinois, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts in adopting "fire-safe" laws.

Reference: Cigarettes now “fire safe” in Minnesota, Tobacco Journal International, 11/27/2008.

Related news brief: Fire - Safe Cigarettes for all 50 states - NOW... For other news briefs do a random search..

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