Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oregon Governor wants cigarette vendings machines banned..

December 31, 2008 - Oregon's Governor Ted Kulongoski
submits legislation for 2009 Session.

The governor wants to prohibit the sale of tobacco products through vending machines. Currently tobacco vending machines are allowed in taverns, cocktail lounges, hotels and motels, providing easy access to tobacco products and increasing the likelihood children will begin smoking. This legislation prohibits the distribution of tobacco through vending machines as another way to keep tobacco products out of the hands of children. [HB 2136] Health officials say this proposal is to restrict accessibility of tobacco to minors. Also these officials say smoking is the most preventable cause of death and disease in Oregon.

In addition the governor wants to require landlords to disclose where smoking is allowed --and not allowed -- on a rental property as a standard part of the lease agreement.

On January 1, 2009 - Oregon's smoking ban expands to bars, restaurants and other indoor work sites.

Reference: Forget about Santa, Governor wants a lot from the 2009 Legislature by Michelle Cole, The Oregonian, 12/18/2008; Potential Ban on Cigarette Vending Machines by Amy Sienicki, KDRV News Watch 12, 12/29/2008.

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