Monday, December 1, 2008

Smokers living with kids are more likely to try to quit..

December 1, 2008 - Experts say the health risks to others can be a greater incentive for smokers to quit than the dangers it poses to themselves. According to a survey by the New York state Department of Health smokers living with kids are 76 percent more likely to try to quit because of the effect of smoke on others. The study also found that 42 percent of smokers with children don't allow smoking in their home, compared with 26 percent of smokers without children. It was also found that 60 percent of people living with children are more likely to want to quit smoking "a lot."

"People who won't quit smoking for themselves are generally more likely to quit smoking for their children," said Dr. Richard Daines, the health commissioner. The survey found that among New York's approximately 2.7 million smokers, about 1 million live with children in the household. Daines stated that parents who smoke around their kids may contribute to health problems like respiratory infections, ear infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Related news brief: Further evidence - STOP smoking in the presence of your children..

Reference: Smokers living with kids more likely to quit by Valerie Bauman, Associated Press, 11/30/2008.

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