Friday, December 5, 2008

UST shareholders approve proposed buyout by Altria ..

December 5, 2008 - UST, INC. announced that earlier today, during a special shareholder meeting held in New York, a majority of its shares were voted to approve the company's acquisition by Altria Group Inc.**. The transaction, which is expected to close during the first full week of January 2009 and no later than January 7, calls for UST shareholders to receive $69.50 in cash for each share held of outstanding UST common stock. Upon closing, UST will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Altria. On October 16, 2008, the companies announced that Altria's proposed acquisition of UST passed federal antitrust review.

"We are pleased that an overwhelming majority of shareholders agreed with the Board that this transaction is clearly in the best interests of shareholders," said Murray S. Kessler, UST chairman and chief executive officer. "With federal antitrust review and shareholder approval now secured, we look forward to closing the deal in early January."

Reference: UST Shareholders Approve Acquisition by Altria, Yahoo Finance, 12/4/2008.

Related news briefs (audit trail of events): Altria's Proposed Acquisition of UST Passes U.S. Regulatory Review..; Altria May Delay Purchase of UST Amid Tight Credit..; UST to become a wholly owned subsidiary of Altria..; Altria in advanced talks to buy UST, Inc..; Altria will continue to test Marlboro Smokeless Tobacco Products.. and Any interest Lorillard to acquire Swedish Match - NOT.

** - Altria owns approximately 28.5% of SABMiller (South African Breweries - Miller) plc.

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