Thursday, December 4, 2008

Will Michigan Pass Smoking Ban Before the End of Year..

December 4, 2008 - Public health officials and doctors on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 implored the Legislature to ban smoking inside bars, restaurants and other workplaces before adjourning for the year, saying lives are at stake.

"We know what will happen if we do nothing," Michigan Department of Community Health Director Janet Olszewski told reporters. "More people will get sick. We will spend more dollars on health care. We will have lost productivity. And there will be unnecessary deaths." Olszewski sent a letter urging passage of smoking-ban legislation to all 148 members of the Legislature. Nearly 80% of the public is behind the ban, said Greg Holzman, chief medical executive of the Michigan Department of Community Health.

Organizations representing physicians, medical students and hospitals also wrote to lawmakers. Dr. Dean Sienko, speaking on behalf of the Michigan State Medical Society and local health departments, said at a news conference that it's "inexcusable and unconscionable" to expose workers and patrons to secondhand smoke, a Class A carcinogen.

The Democratic-led House has passed legislation that would ban smoking at restaurants and bars but exempt Detroit casinos, smoke shops and others. The Republican-held Senate has voted to prohibit smoking at all workplaces with no exceptions.

More than 30 states have passed smoking bans, but Michigan legislators are at odds over carving out exemptions for some businesses. Smoke Free USA..

Reference: Health officials, doctors urge Michigan smoking ban by David Eggert, (Everything Michigan)- The Associated Press, 12/2/2008.

Related news briefs: Michigan Falls Short Again on Ban in Public Places.. and Michigan Senate Deals Blow To Smoking Ban...

1 comment:

  1. Ever since president elect Obama gave his speech indicating that he favored open discussion from BOTH sides of an issue before ramming it through by special interest groups, there seems to be a sudden panic movement to "hurry up and pass the ban" in communities across the nation. Open discussion is something the "tobacco control activists" try to avoid at all costs. Here are their instructions.
