Monday, January 12, 2009

Cities/Counties South Carolina Smokng Bans, Latest Could Be Rock Hill..

January 12, 2009 - On Monday night, January 12, 2009 Rock Hill likely will become the first city in the Charlotte, NC region to ban smoking in all indoor public spaces, including restaurants, bars and other workplaces. The Rock Hill City Council will vote Monday night on a smoking ban. A first reading in December passed 5-2 and Mayor Doug Echols expects the measure will pass "without serious opposition." If approved, the Rock Hill ordinance could go into effect as early as May 1, 2009.

Rock Hill is the largest South Carolina city without a smoking ban. At least 21 cities and counties in South Carolina have passed no-smoking ordinances -- many since the S.C. Supreme Court last March allowed towns, cities and counties to enact the laws. More - Municipal Association of South Carolina..

In North Carolina House Minority Leader Paul Stam, R-Wake, has stated, "Smoking is obviously dangerous, no one is debating that. But I have real concerns about a smoking ban bill that would not respect the rights of property owners and private employers," said Stam, an attorney who does not smoke. "We can't afford to criminalize hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians who are addicted to smoking." North Carolina still produces nearly 200 billion cigarettes annually.

Reference: Smoking bans on the rise Rock Hill to be first in region; will N.C. follow? by Dan Huntley, The Charlotte Observer, 1/11/2009.

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