Thursday, January 15, 2009

Camel Tobacco Dissolvables - Natl Assoc of Attorneys General - wait and see!!

January 15, 2009 - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (RJR) plans to start test marketing in 3-cities - Indianapolis, Indiana; Columbus, Ohio and Portland, Oregon - dissolvable tobacco products. Each product in convenient user-friendly dosage form containing amounts of the nicotine to render the user a slave to this addictive substance for many years to come. The orbs and sticks products will have their debut in January 2009 and the strips in the second quarter of 2009.
The National Association of Attorneys General want to take a wait and see approach to see how these products are marketed. Our point of view - the dosage forms alone market these products to kids. Each product in convenient user-friendly form: a flavored pellet like a Tic Tac or Life Saver Holes, a flavored toothpick is it peppermint toothpick or a peppermint toothpick laced with nicotine and an edible film strip for your tongue just like Listerine pocketpaks. Nicotine has a negative impact on the developing adolescent brain.. Take a look at the top image from a c-store in Columbus, OH - the display is conveniently located in view of any person that walks into the store.

Sticks (twisted) can be placed in the mouth like a toothpick or broken into a pieces that are placed between the upper lip and gum. Toothpicks can come in various flavors: bacon flavored, cinnamon flavored, natural mint flavored. Broken pieces of toothpicks can be swallowed and can be deadly if puncture the small intestine. Pres. Warren G. Harding was an inveterate toothpick user - some believe that a small puncture in his intestine caused his death..

Strips - edible film strips have exploded on the market beginning in early 2005. Consumers are lining up for the chance to stick out their tongue. We all know how youngsters like to be hip and be part of the latest cool fad. Retail sales of edible film were expected to hit at least $350 million by 2008 says James Rossman, a former maker of edible film. Listerine pocketpaks broke the market wide open. Little green patches of film that melt instantly on your tongue, releasing bursts of minty breath freshener strong enough to wipe out all signs of that garlic shrimp you had for lunch. Now everything from sushi to Sudafed is showing up on store shelves all wrapped in melt-in-your mouth film. (It's On The Tip Of Your Tongue
As more medicines take the form of "edible film," the market is exploding
, Business Week, July 31, 2006)

A Camel Dissolvable Stick dissolves after 10 minutes, Orbs are about the same, though they’re a pellet lasting about 15 minutes, while Strips dissolve after three minutes.

Camel Dissolvable Products at a Glance..

All three dissolvable products will be priced in-line with Camel Snus and promoted through point-of-sale signage, direct-mail promotions, print advertisements and sampling at places such as bars and clubs, David Howard said -- an RJR spokesman. (Convenience Store News - R.J. Reynolds' Snus Goes National)

A few related news briefs:STOP the Release of Dissolvable Tobacco Products..; We must stop the launch of dissolvable tobacco products..; Reynolds America moving ahead with dissolvable tobacco products..; STOP - the Proliferation of Flavored Tobacco Products..; R.J. Reynolds Dissolvables - it looks like candy.. and Snus News & Other Tobacco Products: STOP - the Proliferation of Flavored Tobacco Products..

Click on image to enlarge..

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