Tuesday, January 20, 2009

C-Store Update - How bad are Camel SNUS sales??

January 20, 2009 - A c-store owner gave us our second Camel SNUS display - click on image to enlarge.
R.J. Reynolds has dropped the Camel SNUS Original and Spice flavors and now has two - Frost and a new flavor called Mellow. This c-store owner tells us he only sells one can of Camel SNUS per month. The employees have been instructed when this purchase happens ask this customer if they would like some free cans. This store like others in the area have boxes (6-cans per box) of Camel SNUS in their cooler to be given away free.

All the Camel SNUS cans in the display were sent back to Reynolds because they all had expired. The owner has reduced the price of a can of Camel SNUS from $4.09 to $3.69. We are predicting that test marketing of SNUS products will fail in the United States. How can R.J. Reynolds go national with Camel SNUS?? - they have given away many more cans than have been purchased.

Different Camel SNUS containers:

Original: took up too much space.

Current: The new cooler that fits on the shelf with the other Reynolds tobacco products - part of the Camel family.

Previous C-store update.

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