Thursday, January 8, 2009

C-store update: Altria to tweak sales of Skoal and Copenhagen/Chewing Tobacco/Free Cans Camel SNUS..

January 8, 2008 - Altria already moves to tweak sales of Skoal and Copenhagen. On Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Altria announced the acquisition of UST Inc. had been completed. UST, Inc. In our last few C-store updates we have been telling readers to Watch - Altria will tweak the UST's premium brands - Copenhagen and Skoal - to return these brands to some modest share growth., i.e. take market share back from Conwood's Grizzly. Michael E. Szymanczyk - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Altria has indicated a little tweaking is necessary for the UST's premium brands - Copenhagen and Skoal to return these brands to some modest share growth.

From February 1, 2009 to March 28, 2009 a Copenhagen and Skoal special price promotion (SPP) will take place. U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Brands, Inc. (USSTB), a UST affiliate, has designated the Philip Morris USA (PM) field sales force to represent USSTB at retail for the purpose of offering and executing a new Copenhagen and Skoal SPP. The USSTB representative that currently calls on accounts will continue to do so for matters unrelated to the SPP. The SPP promotional allowance will be available to retailers if they agree to reduce Copenhagen and Skoal January 2009 Retail prices by a least $1.00 per can for the duration of the promotion; agree to maintain interior and exterior signage displaying the new promoted prices on Copenhagen and Skoal - all single cans, rolls (5-can and 10-can) and store-funded multi-can deals (execpt specially packaged and marked single or multi-can promotions offered by USSTB); merchandise and sell single cans of Copenhagen and Skoal brands to adult consumers; etc.

Enticing minorities to give chewing tobacco a try. Large standalone chewing tobacco displays in a grocery store frequented mainly by Hispanics and African Americans. The display of specially priced Red Man and Beech Nut chewing tobacco located where every customer can readily see them and the bargain that is offered.

Camel SNUS - we have reported that R.J. Reynolds is giving away many more can of Camel SNUS that are being paid for. Recently, when talking with a c-store owner he tells us that he has boxes of cans of Camel SNUS to give away for free. Camel SNUS is suppose to go nationally anyday - if the stuff can't sell in the South it won't sell anywhere except when kids want to experiment with it to master the art of snusing.

Previous C-store update.

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