Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jordan - law to ban smoking in public places - ENFORCEMENT..

January 28, 2009 - According to the Director of the Primary Healthcare Directorate Adel Bilbeisi will enforce the law that prohibits smoking in public areas.

The law will be enforced by imposing a JD15-20 fine on those caught smoking in public facilities or a penalty of imprisonment ranging from one week to one-month. To enforce the smoking ban in these places, especially in government agencies, each institution will pick one of its employees as a law enforcement officer. Bilbeisi added that most of the malls have already started implementing the law, banning smoking in the premises. According to a Mecca Mall administrator, customers will always have priority.

One-third of Jordanians are smokers and the health ministry figures indicate that over 30 percent of school students smoke tobacco. According to the law, the ban includes hospitals, health care centers, schools, cinemas, theatres, libraries, museums, public and nongovernmental buildings, public transport vehicles, airports, closed playgrounds, lecture halls and any other location to be determined by the health minister.

Also, the Ministry of Health has banned the import of "electronic cigarettes." The ministry cited "a higher percentage of nicotine" used in the device following the suit of the World Health Organization which had previously warned against its use.

Reference: Jordan - Ministry firm on anti-smoking law enforcement, Jordan Times, 1/28/2009; Getting Serious About A Smoking Ban In Jordan,, 9/28/2008

Jordan has ratified the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Treaty.

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