Friday, January 2, 2009

New Brunswick - January 1, 2009 Tobacco products to be hidden from view..

January 2, 2009 - Retailers who sell cigarettes and tobacco products have to "go dark" on advertising January 1, 2009. That's when new regulations come into effect under the Tobacco Sales Act. The government says that means large racks or displays of tobacco products and signs - sometimes called power walls - have to be out of sight.

But the province isn't telling gas bars, convenience store owners (2,000) or grocery stores what to do to hide the tobacco products from being in public view. "As long as it's hidden from the public's view, however the retailers want to accomplish that, that's fine," said Meghan Cumby, spokeswoman at the Department of Health. "It can be a curtain, a cupboard. However, they want to hide them, as long as it's hidden from the public's view."

Framework Convention Alliance - Tobacco Displays - The Facts

Reference: Tobacco products to be hidden from view new roles some retailers confused about changes to how they display items by HEATHER MCLAUGHLIN (, The Daily Gleaner, 1/1/2009.

Related news brief: New Brunswick to ban smoking in cars with children or youth present..; Tobacco displays are on their way out in an increasing number of countries..

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