Monday, April 13, 2009

Children in Indiana starting to use smokeless tobacco products..

April 13, 2009 - Another county school system in Indiana concerned that children are obtaining smokeless tobacco products. Most school campuses in Madison County, Indiana are smoke-free, but in recent months, students have found a new way get their nicotine fixes during class. Hancock County, Indiana.

Marlboro recently released Snus, pouches of tobacco that can be placed in the mouth and swallowed (minus the pouch), and Camel is using central Indiana as one of three test markets for its new Orbs, tobacco tablets that can be eaten.

Karesa Knight-Wilkerson, executive director of Healthy, Tobacco-Free Madison County Inc., said either way, students are getting away with having an addictive drug in school. “It’s going to be really hard to detect it,” she said. “If they’re truly addicted and going eight hours a school day without smoking, this is the way for them to get their nicotine. With all these new products coming out, our kids are going to be affected by drugs right there in class.”

Healthy, Tobacco-Free Madison County is reaching out to schools through student volunteers who work with the program. Knight-Wilkerson said students from two local schools told the organization that students at their schools were using Snus. Youth coordinators are targeting all high and middle schools in the county to educate their peers and teachers.

Snus and Orbs both last several minutes, and Knight-Wilkerson fears students will put two or three in their mouths at one time to try to achieve a nicotine buzz. Snus come in packages that look like some gum packages, and Orbs also could be mistaken for candy or gum. Orbs could be especially attractive to children who might get their hands on them because they contain a cartoon camel imprint.

Missy Morris-McKinney, youth coordinator who works with the American Cancer Society and Healthy, Tobacco-Free Madison County, said the tobacco companies know the new products are ones with which children can relate. “Tobacco companies are targeting our youth because they are looking for a replacement,” she said, noting that tobacco kills its users every day. “Kids are more apt to just use something without knowing exactly what’s in it or know what harmful effects it can have.”

Michelle Cook, who heads up Community Hospital Anderson’s tobacco cessation programs, said children who use the new products aren’t aware of what they’re putting into their bodies, and some of the products could have as much as 300 percent more nicotine than a cigarette. Poison Control Centers have been trying to get the word out on problems with nicotine toxicity.

Is it Camel Orbs or Tic Tacs - both are flavored, both look like candy, both have appealing packaging and the orbs comes with the little Camel. YOU DFCIDE..

Reference: New tobacco products have local schools worried by Aleasha Sandley, Herald Bulletin Staff Writer, The Herald Bulletin, 4/10/2009.

A few related news briefs:U.S. - A contradiction H.R. 1261 Youth Prevention and Tobacco Harm Reduction.., R.J. Reynolds Smokeless so safe - not fair to tax.??, U.S. group acknowledged that smokeless-tobacco products are an option for reducing health risks for tobacco users.., Poison Control Centers - Camel Dissolvables - Nicotine Toxicity.., Nasal snuff another harm reduction product.., Why does R.J. Reynolds Tobacco keep on selecting Portland, OR as a test site.., Camel Tobacco Dissolvables - Natl Assoc of Attorneys General - wait and see!!, STOP the Release of Dissolvable Tobacco Products..; We must stop the launch of dissolvable tobacco products..; Reynolds America moving ahead with dissolvable tobacco products..; STOP - the Proliferation of Flavored Tobacco Products..; R.J. Reynolds Dissolvables - it looks like candy.. and Snus News & Other Tobacco Products: STOP - the Proliferation of Flavored Tobacco Products..

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