Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Canada - to launch an advertising campaign on the problem of tobacco smuggling..

April 8, 2009 - Contraband tobacco is becoming a huge problem across the country - it now makes up 30 percent of all tobacco sold in Canada. The Canada Revenue Agency (formerly Revenue Canada under the Federal Identity Program is a federal agency that administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and for most provinces and territories),will launch an advertising campaign on the problem of tobacco smuggling, the minister of national revenue announced Tuesday, April 7, 2009 at a meeting of convenience store owners in Laval, Que.

"Smokers need to know that they are encouraging organized crime by buying smuggled tobacco," Jean-Pierre BlackburnMinister of National Revenue said. "We will tell smokers what impact smuggling has had on society." Dartmouth convenience store owner Sid Chedrawe, chairman of the Independent Food Stores Association, said the ads will focus on the increased health risks of illegal cigarettes. With contraband tobacco it may not be proper tobacco, it may not be stored properly, there may be items found in the tobacco, e.g. bugs, feces.

The fact illegal smokes are so cheap children can afford them also worries.

Reference: Ads to target cigarette smuggling by DAVID JACKSON and JOHN McPHEE Staff Reporters, The, 4/8/2009.

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