Thursday, May 28, 2009

EU launches new anti-smoking TV campaign..

May 28, 2009 - The European Commission is launching the second phase of its "HELP for a life without tobacco" campaign to mark the World No Tobacco Day. On Sunday, May 31st, three new anti-smoking TV spots will be shown on over 100 TV channels across Europe for one month and repeated during September, said the commission.

The TV spots, developed with young people, use humor to deliver three serious messages: Don't start smoking, how to quit smoking and dangers of second-hand smoking.

"Today, a third of all Europeans are smokers and although we have seen a decrease in recent years, we must continue to prevent young people from taking up this deadly habit. I hope our efforts to de-glamorise tobacco through pictorial warnings and engaging young people through the HELP campaign will lead to a new generation that says no to tobacco," said European Union (EU) Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.

Tobacco remains the largest single cause of premature death and disease in the EU, causing more than 650,000 premature deaths in the region each year, which corresponds to about 1,800 deaths a day.

Reference: EU launches new anti-smoking TV campaign, Editor: Bi Mingxin,, 5/28/2009.

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