Friday, December 5, 2008

New Jersey bans flavored cigarettes..

December 5, 2008 - On October 1, 2008, New Jersey Governor Corzine approved P.L. 2008, c. 91, An Act Banning the Sale of Certain Flavored Cigarettes codified at N.J.S.A. 2A: 170-51.5 will take effect November 30, 2008.

The bill, S-613, prohibits the sale or distribution of cigarettes which have a characterizing flavor that is attractive to youth. Specifically, the bill prohibits any cigarettes which either as a whole or in part are flavored with natural or artificial flavors to produce distinctive fruit, chocolate, vanilla, honey, alcoholic beverage, herb or spice flavors, among others. The bill exempts menthol or clove cigarettes from the prohibition, and does not apply to cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobacco or smokeless tobacco. <----- Why limit ban to cigarettes alone?? - only protect New Jersey youth if they smoke cigarettes.. -

Enforcement: $250 for first violation, not less than $500 for the second violation, and $1,000 for the third and each subsequent violation, to be collected pursuant to the "Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999," in a summary proceeding before the municipal court having jurisdiction. A health or law enforcement officer may issue a summons. NJSA 2A:170-51.5 et seq.

Reference: Senate, No.613, State of New Jersey, 213th Legislature; State Laws on Tobacco in New Jersey, Global Advisors on Smokefree Policy, updated 5/15/2009.

Related news briefs: New Jersey May Ban Certain Flavored Cigarettes..

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