Friday, May 29, 2009

PMI - opens its new Research & Development Campus in Switzerland...

May 29, 2009 - 28th May, 2009 – At an official ceremony today, Philip Morris International (PMI) officially opened its new Research & Development Campus, home to more than 400 scientists, specialists and administrative staff.

PMI has invested over CHF120 million [1 CHF = 0.936 USD] developing the new campus, which brings together laboratories and employees previously spread across three locations in Neuchâtel and Fribourg. The 36,500 square meter campus comprises three independent laboratory and office sections all encased in a single glass structure. Meeting areas, terraces, gardens and social meeting points create an environment which fosters interaction and innovation.

At today’s event, held at the lakeside building on Quai Jeanrenaud, officials from the federal and cantonal authorities (Switzerland consists of 26 cantons and each is member state of the federal state of Switzerland.) and the city of Neuchâtel joined PMI Chief Operating Officer, André Calantzopoulos, in celebrating this milestone for the company.

“PMI has been established in Neuchâtel for 46 years, and this new building reinforces our commitment to the city and the canton,” said Mr. Calantzopoulos. “I would like to thank the city and cantonal authorities for their support in helping us realize the completion of this important project. One of the company’s primary goals is to reduce the harm caused by tobacco products by researching and developing products with the potential to reduce the risk of tobacco-related disease. The investment in this new state-of-the-art facility will help us achieve that objective.”

Here are some specific examples of how PMI is aggressively targeting young people around the world, grouped by category (though some examples also fall under other categories of promotion): Philip Morris International World Tour 2008-2009..

Reference: Philip Morris International unveils new CHF 120 million Research & Development Campus in Neuchâtel, Philip Morris International / Neuchâtel /, 5/28/2009.

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