Sunday, May 17, 2009

Turkey - quit smoking photo displayed in İstanbul's Taksim Square..

May 17, 2009 - People who quit smoking (no smoking = sigara icilmez) photo to be displayed in Taksim Square. The Web site (end smoking) has launched a campaign in which photos of people who have quit smoking will be shown in İstanbul's Taksim Square on May 31 in honor of the World Health Organization's (WHO) World No Tobacco Day.

With the motto “Quit, Shoot, Send. Your face will also be shown in Taksim,” the campaign asks people who have quit smoking to submit their photos to the Web site along with stories about how they quit smoking. The photos will be shown to millions on giant screens on May 31.

Speaking on behalf of, Dr. Gündüz Tezmen, head of Doğan Yayın Holding's health group, said he believed the campaign would motivate people who are thinking about quitting but keep putting it off. Stating around 1.3 billion people smoke worldwide, Tezmen added: “It has been proved by scientific research that tobacco, one of the worst addictions of our age, causes damage to every organ in our body and is involved in many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and apoplexy.”

Associate Professor Oğuz Kılınç, an expert on chest disease at İzmir's Dokuz Eylül University, noted that according to the WHO, one person dies every eight seconds due to tobacco-related diseases worldwide and one person starts smoking in the same time period. He also stated that quitting smoking is one of the most crucial steps smokers can take to increase their quality of life and to extend their lifespan.

Reference: People who quit smoking to be displayed in Taksim Square, Todays Zaman, 5/15/2009.

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