Thursday, June 11, 2009

Eagle - 1st city in Idaho to ban smoking..

June 11, 2009 - The Eagle City Council approved a ban on smoking in public places including restaurants, bars and workplaces. This new ordinance makes Eagle the first city in Idaho to ban smoking, and goes beyond state law which does not ban smoking in bars. Smokers could still light up at private residences. On July 1, 2004, Idaho passed legislation that ensures smokefree restaurants.

The vote for the ban was three to two in favor. Eagle mayor Phil Bandy cast the deciding vote. “My position is that any that a perspective employee of any place of work shouldn't have to worry about whether or not they're going to go into a place and be subjected to direct or second hand smoke,” Bandy said. “That shouldn't even come into the equation."

It's unclear when this ordinance will take effect.

Violators will receive a written warning for the first offense. The fine is $25 for the second offense, and $50 for the third. Business owners or managers who don't abide by the smoking ban may be fined up to $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second, and $500 for the third. In some cases, the city may revoke or suspend a business license.

Smokefree Idaho is working with Meridian, Boise and other Ada County cities to pass similar bans. Several Boise bar owners say they fear losing business if a ban passes.
At least 331 communities, none in Idaho, along with 18 states have smoke-free policies that include bars.

Effective the Fall 2009 the smoking ban at Boise State University will take effect. It will be enforced not by a citation process, but by a strategically placed signage and a hope that students and community members respect the rule and regulation of the university. Currently in Idaho, both the College of Southern Idaho and Brigham Young University (BYU) are smoke-free campuses.

Reference" Eagle first Idaho town to ban all public smoking, - Idaho News Now, 6/10/2009.

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