Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Process - Native Americans declare war on tobacco use..

June 25, 2009 - Native Americans from all over the U.S. are in Middle Georgia this week, and they are declaring a war--a war on the negative use of tobacco. The group camped in Mile Branch River Park in Pulaski County for the three-day national summit.

Native Americans came from Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and Colorado to teach their younger generation how to value tobacco, and not abuse it.

Inter-Tribal Council Member Dr. Dewey Painter says he knows first hand that commercial use of the drug is destroying the lives of Native Americans everywhere.

Tribe elders say, they do use tobacco, but only for ceremonial and medical purposes. All other uses should be avoided. Tribe elders are using a curriculum called Keep Tobacco Scared, and they say, summits like these are just the beginning of teaching their youth the value of tobacco without abusing it.

Reference: Warpath Against Tobacco Use,Posted by Shelby Coates, Posted by Shelby Coates - NBC-41, 6/24/2009.

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