Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hong Kong - movie poster woman smoking - NOT ALLOWED..

June 14, 2009 - An anti-smoking group James Middleton, chairman of the anti-tobacco committee in Hong Kong for campaign group Clear the Air, said the poster for a film about Coco Chanel breaks laws banning any mention of smoking or cigarettes in advertising. Middleton: "It is a direct breach of the law."

The film "Coco Before Chanel," features the French fashion legend Audrey Tautou smoking a cigarette. In the poster, Tautou poses in silk pajamas with Chanel's trademark cigarette dangling from her fingers, has appeared across the city. No one from the company responsible for promoting the movie in Hong Kong, Lark Films Distribution, was immediately available for comment.Earlier this year, the company that runs advertising on trains and buses in Paris pulled a similar poster over fears it could be prosecuted.

An advert for the film that appeared Friday in the South China Morning Post had the cigarette airbrushed out. Hong Kong's Health Department was also not immediately available to answer questions from AFP, but a spokesman told the South China Morning Post it was looking into the case.

Hong Kong anti-smoking laws ban any mention of smoking or cigarettes in advertising. I (Elmer W. Cagap) wonder if cigarette companies have been overtly promoting their products by coordinating with filmmakers to insert smoking scenes in the movie.

Tobacco Use in Hong Kong.

References: Chanel Smoking Poster More Offensive Than Street Smokers, posted by Elmer W. Cagape,, 6/14/2009; Film Ad Breaks Hong Kong Smoking Laws, Source AFP -, 6/13/2009.

Some Hong Kong related news briefs: Hong Kong - bar owners an employees march to protest smoking ban starting July 1, 2009..; Hong Kong - attempt to delay July 1, 2009 smoking ban fails..; Hong Kong - cigarette smuggling soars after tax increase..; Hong Kong - Tax on cigarettes pushed up by 50 percent..; Honk Kong - smoking increase raise tobacco duties??; Hong Kong - temporary smoking ban exemption ends July 1, 2009..; Hong Kong - after smoking ban cigarette consumption up 14 percent..; Hong Kong - public smoking ban - smoking rooms??; Shanghai Tobacco's Golden Deer Cigarettes - Hong Kong..; More on Philip Morris International of the Future...

1 comment:

  1. Smoking reduces the life span. One in three smokers who do not stop the smoking will eventually die. Some smokers will die in their 40s and others will die later. On average, they will die 10 to 15 years earlier than they would have died from other causes. Some people try to stop smoking but they failed because they are addicted to it.
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