Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New South Wales - July 1, 2009 - Great Day for Tobacco Control..

IMAGE - The Honorable Morris Iemma, former Premier of the State of New South Wales, Australia. The premier along with his cabinet refused to give in to the pressure applied by big tobacco and did what is best to protect the health of their constituents.

June 24, 2009 - The Australian State of New South Wales (NSW) will introduce tough anti-tobacco laws starting Wednesday, July 1, 2009.

Public health tobacco expert Professor Simon Chapman tells the ABC's Philippa McDonald tough new NSW laws are the biggest anti-smoking step in Australia since 1976. NSW Cancer Council chief executive Andrew Penman said the changes meant the state was among world leaders in tobacco control.

People in NSW caught smoking in cars in front of children will soon face fines of $250 under tough new tobacco laws. Under the laws, NSW Police can issue motorists with a $250 on-the-spot fine if they are caught smoking in front of passengers aged under 16.

NSW minister assisting the minister for health on cancer Jodi McKay says the laws, which also regulate the way cigarettes are displayed in shops, will come into effect on July 1.

Ms McKay said the new laws would prevent children from being exposed to tobacco use. "Smoking continues to be the greatest single cause of premature death in NSW and we are demonstrating leadership in protecting children and young people from the harmful effects of tobacco," she said in a statement on Sunday.

McKay: "We refuse to be complacent about tobacco control, particularly the use of tobacco products around children."

The new laws also mean retailers must keep all tobacco products out of sight, vending machines will be restricted to licensed premises and tobacco companies will be banned from sponsoring sporting events.

Retailers who sell cigarettes to children or breach other regulations may be stopped from selling tobacco products.

"This is a strong package of reforms that will have an immediate benefit for the community, especially children," Dr Penman said.

Shops with more than 50 employees will have six months to implement the display ban, while retailers who employ less than 50 people have a year to comply.

Tobacconists who generate 80 per cent of turnover from tobacco-related sales have 12 months to register as a specialist business to have a further three years to comply with the ban.

Ms McKay said retailers would have time to get used to the new laws, with draft regulations detailing the changes released on Monday as part of a month-long public consultation process. NSW Health will work with retailers to help them phase out cigarette displays.

Reference: Tough anti-tobacco laws from July 1,, 4/5/2009.

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