Tuesday, June 9, 2009

North Carolina House panel deletes cigarette tax increase..

June 9, 2009 - RALEIGH, N.C. — Members of a House committee have removed a provision that would raise North Carolina's cigarette tax by 25 cents per pack. The House Finance Committee agreed Tuesday morning to delete the cigarette tax increase contained in a proposed $940 million tax plan. That would reduce the package by $123 million. The 22-7 decision means less money available to restore cuts in the proposed $18 billion spending package for next year.

Rep. Van Braxton of Lenoir County offered the amendment. The Democrat said the tobacco industry already has been hit enough this year by a federal cigarette tax increase and a ban on smoking in restaurants and bars.

The House Appropriations Committee is reviewing the budget proposal and was expected to vote on it later Tuesday, June 9th.

Reference: NC House panel deletes cigarette tax increase, Associated Press, 6/9/2009.

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