Thursday, June 4, 2009

Rwanda public smoking down..

June 4, 2009 Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho has revealed that the country's public consumption levels of tobacco have relatively gone down compared to the previous years. "Through various programmes such as sensitization campaigns on radio, billboards and stickers among others, the government has successfully managed to discourage people from smoking tobacco in public and in turn the levels have gone down." Rwanda..

However, statistics will be highlighted during the World Health Day celebrations that are set for next month," Binagwaho told the Sunday Times.

As the world marks the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) today, the health expert also emphasizes that using tobacco is not only harmful to the life of the consumer but also a health threat to those around the individual.

Binagwaho: Citing pregnant women as the most vulnerable people, she also called upon all mothers to be responsible and protect their unborn from this health threat. She added that the government is very committed to curbing public smoking. Binagwaho affirmed government's commitment towards graphic warnings initiative as a measure that will further lower public use of tobacco.

Reference" Rwanda: Public Tobacco Smoking Down - Minisante, Source from:The New Times 06/02/2009.

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