Monday, July 27, 2009

Galveston, TX - comprehensive smoking ban adopted - takes effect January 1, 2010..

July 27, 2009 - The Galveston (Texas) City Council adopted a comprehensive smoking ban Thursday, July 23rd forbidding people from lighting up in bars, restaurants, private clubs and tobacco stores. Council members Karen Mahoney, Elizabeth Beeton and Tarris Woods joined Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas, who championed the ban, in voting for the ordinance. Council members Danny Weber and Susan Fennewald voted against it. Councilwoman Linda Colbert was absent.

The ban will take effect Jan. 1, 2010.

The adopted ordinance is more restrictive than the regulations the council previously discussed, a compromise that guaranteed its passage. Mahoney, Beeton and Thomas agreed to approve the ban with an exception for tobacco stores, but Woods said he could only give his support if the measure was universally applied. To make sure the ban passed, the other three agreed.

Before - In February 2006 the Galveston City Council rejected a comprehensive smoking ban as a result smoking was still allowed in restaurants and bars.

Related news briefs: Texas - smoke-free legislation falls short..; Texas - tobacco lobbyists - derailing state smoking ban/smokeless tobacco tax change...

Reference: Galveston Council Approves Smoking Ban by David Jennings, Lone Star Times, 7/24/2009.

1 comment:

  1. Just a reminder of the sources of the bans:

    And what the 99 million dollars was going to. Note on page seven, patios later, AFTER business owners spend thousands of dollars to accommodate their smoking customers, then page eight, discouraging ballot measures.

    And an informal description of the handbook rules.
