Thursday, August 6, 2009

North Carolina - tax on a pack of cigarettes to increase 10 cents..

August 6, 2009 - 2009-2010 state budget passed by the legislature calls for a 10 cents increase in the tax on a pack of cigarettes.

The history of the tobacco tax: According to research by the N.C. Department of Revenue, the state's cigarette excise tax increased from 2 cents a pack to 5 cents a pack on Aug. 1, 1991. It increased to 30 cents a pack effective Sept. 1, 2005. And it increased again to 35 cents a pack effective July 1, 2006. Those last two increases occurred under Gov. Mike Easley. Easley proposed raising the cigarette tax another time to 55 cents a pack in his 2008-09 budget, but the legislature balked.

If Governor Purdue signs off on the state budget passed by the legislature the tax on a pack of cigarettes will increase 10 cents to 45 cents a pack.

The tobacco industry has traditionally been one of the most important industries in North Carolina and a backbone of the state's agricultural heritage..

Reference: New NC Budget Raises Taxes, Cuts Spending by Emery P. Dalesio, Associated Press, 8/5/2009.

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