Monday, August 10, 2009

Vallejo, California - relocation of shops selling tobacco..

August 10, 2009 - The City of Vallejo is located on the northern shore of the San Francisco Bay. Nearly half of Vallejo's tobacco shops could be asked to relocate if a proposed city ordinance is adopted. City staff members have been working with community members for more than two years on regulations limiting where tobacco shops can locate, who they can hire, store hours and how those laws could be enforced.

Community members asked that the ordinance require tobacco shops to leave immediately, instead of after five years. They also asked that a fee be assessed on all business owners selling tobacco -- including larger and convenience stores -- and alcohol retailers. Money raised would pay for legal and police enforcement.

City staff members had responded to some concerns by expanding proposed off-limit zones for tobacco shops and applying restrictions similar to those on stores selling alcohol. The new concessions were still short of an enforcement mechanism, which will require city Planning Commission and City Council approval before becoming law.
Staff members said they are limited in setting fees to pay for enforcement, and in how quickly they can ask existing store owners, about a dozen in all, to relocate.

The ordinance is expected to go before the city Planning Commission in September, 2009.

Reference: Proposed Vallejo ordinance strikes at tobacco retailers by Jessica A. York, Times-Herald, 8/8/2009.

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