Sunday, October 4, 2009

Finland - government proposing ban on smoking when kids present and other tobacco control measures..

October 4, 2009 - We reported on September 21st the Finnish regional daily Etelä-Suomen Sanomat quoted its sources as saying Tuesday, September 15th that the government would propose banning smoking in cars carrying children, adding a bill would be handed to Parliament within a fortnight [14 days]. (Finland may ban smoking in cars carrying children..)

Now on Thursday, October 1st (approximately a fortnight) the Finnish government unveiled a bill to ban smoking in cars carrying children as well as in places frequented by children. The government proposed a number of amendments in the Act on Measures to Restrict Tobacco Smoking, including penalties for selling or giving tobacco to children and a ban on the import and possession of tobacco by children.

Provided Parliament passes the bill into law, retailers will have two years to stop displaying tobacco products, with restrictions in the number of smoking hotel rooms, also after a two-year transition period. Tobacco vending machines would be banned within four years.

The changes would enter into force next spring.

Reference: Finland to ban smoking in cars carrying children, Helsinki Times, 10/10/2009

Finland related news briefs:
Finland may ban smoking in cars carrying children..;
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