Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More: Philip Morris - Ruyan Group - e-cigarettes..

November 25, 2009 - Back on November 5th we reporter that Philip Morris has been discovered to be in negotiations with Ruyan Group, which manufactured the original e-cigarette starting in 2005. (Philip Morris - interest in e-cigarettes..)

This present article is similar in content to the article we reported on November 5, 2009.

“Ruyan Group said that an agreement between the Company and Philip Morris International Management S.A. could not be reached on matters relating to the co-operation between them on its “electronic cigarettes” by the end of the first and exclusive phase of negotiations.”

Back in June, the Ruyan Group stock rose over 35% after the announcement that the manufacturer was negotiating with what Quamnet (the No. 1 Financial Portal Website in China Hong Kong) ,called an “independent third party”. Later on July 6th, that third party was found to be Philip Morris.

What this could mean for the electronic cigarette industry both internationally and in the US is uncertain, but what seems to be clear is: Philip Morris wants in.

References: What many electronic cigarette users have feared from day one may be in the works by Jeff Smith, 11/23/2009; Philip Morris Eying Electronic-Cigarette Market? Reports suggest talks with Ruyan, CSP Daily News, 11/25/2009.

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