Friday, December 11, 2009

Azerbaijan - meeting on December 14th to discuss how to combat smoking..

Azerbaijan Coat-of-Arms..

December 11, 2009 - The Azerbaijan Healthcare Public Relations Association (HCPRA) is to hold a meeting on 14 December to discuss how to combat smoking. The meeting will bring together representatives of parliament, ministries and civil society.

The association says that in Azerbaijan 49% of men aged between 15 and 49 are smokers. According to the World Health Organization, 5.4 million people die of tobacco dependence every year in the world.

A national anti-smoking conference will be organized in Azerbaijan as part of the anti-smoking project. The project was launched in October.

Azerbaijan: Survey of Public Opinion toward Tobacco Control and the FCTC..

Euromonitor - More on Tobacco in Azerbaijan..

Reference: Azerbaijan to hold national anti-smoking conference, NEWS.AZ, 12/10/2009.

Azerbaijan has ratified (November 2005) the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Treaty.

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